About North Valleys Paiute Language Class

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Reno, Nevada, United States
This course is designed to provide students with a communicative-based foundation in the Paiute language. Students will learn the basic alphabet, pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure and cultural aspects of the Paiute language. They will develop an understanding of the Paiute culture and learn how to function within that culture in an appropriate manner. Issues regarding the importance of preserving the language will also be addressed.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Again today, we started class out with a prayer. Then we took a simple quiz about pronouns, and simple classroom sayings. The rest of class we read out of a booklet that was about greetings, introductions, and departures.
Tamme: all of us

Nu ki howne'yoo: There is nothing wrong with me.

Nu pesa, O'na u, hiyoo u nuumma? : I feel good, how about you?

Then we learned the conistants that are used.

B, D, G, H, K, M, M, P, S, T, W, Y, Z

We ended the class by learing about the vowles.

a= Ada(crow.)

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